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a bit about me and how I "create" time for you and your business:

Do you:

  • Have dreams, ideas, and goals of what you know you want your life and business to be -- but there are so many things to do before you get there?

  • Feel your "to-do" list is growing longer and longer?

  • Desire to work in the areas of your business you love and do best yet still feel yourself pulled into the day-to-day running of the business?


Then working with a Virtual Assistant like myself may be your solution.  I give you time back in your business to focus on what you love and do best.  The truth is you simply can’t do everything alone, grow your business, and live the personal life you deserve.  You need a "partner" to give you some relief. That's where I come in.


What would you do with an extra 12+ hours in your business? Find out more...


LuAnne Hage

Virtual Assistant / Project Manager / Marketing Specialist
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